A Unified Guide to the Play Cycle and Resource Tracking

Love this! I might still draw up an illustrated version but I love the detail you’ve provided so succinctly, Jethro

@A_B Thanks for the feedback.

Now I present Revision 2. Should now print neatly on 2 pages (at least via chrome on windows)

My goal was to make easy for each of the roles to see whether they can do something during a phase at a glance.


  • Add all the boost effects
  • More style and typography tweaks
  • Highlight resources and bonuses in some way.
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I really like what you done, and this is, by no means, meant to replace that, but I made this based on your work. Not super happy with page 2 just yet so it needs SOME revision.


Happy to integrate any of your changes and take suggestions for improvement.


Awesome! I’ll have to review it in detail later.

I will say that I just tested my version while GMing and :ok_hand:. Worked super well. At one point I basically did nothing and the players led themselves!

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Here is a PNG version to use as a map layer in Roll 20



One change I made that I think is useful in last update is to break the game into two phases. This just copied what’s in the book, of course, but I wasn’t starting any games at the phase OP starts the game at and it helped me pick a good place for a page break. Now that I see you’re much better at layout, my next efforts will be to make my version interactive rather than focusing on print-ability. Play to my strengths, as it were :slight_smile:

Edit: just looked at the playmat, and I have to say it’s awesome! I can totally see using that as the main above-the-fold view. I like how Mission and Campaign phases flank the map so you can just pan left or right depending on what phase you’re in.

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An interactive version would be fantastic. You could include a LOT of useful info I couldn’t include in the single page version that way

Still got a lot more I want to do but I figured I’d share the progress: https://bob-stuff.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/index.html

You can toggle lorekeeper/spymaster to show/hide those rules and click around the map to select what area you’re on. I’m going to add more expandos for details that roles may want at the steps.

Edit: Added rollable tables for generating missions, logo, intel questions, and local persistence (you can refresh the page and still have the same selections)


@tomlommel section 8 should be the Commander decides to spend intel for a special before the GM rolls/presents missions: p314 spending intel sets the mission count roll to 6 (two randoms plus a special), then the GM rolls those two randoms.

This is simply beautiful. I really appreciate the effort here.

Thanks to you all!

@jethrolarson This site is amazing. Can I create Translation for it? I’m from Poland and I would love to have it in my native language.
Also inserting something like that as a tab will be simply amazing

Source: https://www.indiegamereadingclub.com/