Doskvol City Maps

Doskvol is a complicated, multi-layered city. What better way to plan your ascendancy to power than being informed about your scores!

Check out maps of all types here:

I’d like to hear more about the world of Doskvol that you have created. What kind of locations do you use most often in your games? Have specialized buildings come up? New groups in power?

Ask questions or discuss.


I came up with a specialized building, a massive lighthouse tower. It’s certainly not in the official Doskvol, but I think it’s cool.


I should definitely get a lighthouse on the docket for a map. Great idea!

@RyanDunleavy I’m interested in the maps, for sure. I’ve seen a bit of them here and there online, and I think they’d be great for my game.

But I’m clueless about how patreon works. Anyway you can summarize the process?

It’s a monthly contribution by patrons , who pay for the artist’s works.
And the artist/musician/youtuber/streamer provides monthly,bi weekly or whatever-time-frame
;works, in the case here. It’ll be map packs, which are awesome btw :smiley:

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Thanks for the question. Yes, as Adel said, you can sign up to become a patron and receive all of the maps at the tier that you have pledged. I have 3 main tiers - $5, $10, & $15. They get you rooftop versions, all versions in black and white, and all versions in color, respectively.

You immediately gain access to all available maps (38 in total now plus the full size Doskvol city map) as soon as you sign up.

There are two other tiers ($25 and $40). The first is that you can pick a certain building to be mapped or the second completely describe and detail a map you would like. I’d say at least half of the maps have come from these tiers.

You pay per map pack which is usually monthly but every once in a while I skip a month or two depending on my own workload.


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Thanks, Ryan! I signed up…I was looking to get the city map, but the map packs seem great, too, so I couldn’t resist.

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I’ve been using these maps for a few months, and can happily say they’re GREAT. I highly recommend them to anyone who’s a big visual sort.

I do have a few custom crews and locations - my favorite is a weapons crew operating out of a bar in Nightmarket. The leader is shrouded in mystery, but turns out to be a former high-society painter whose hand was mangled in an accident. After realizing that his painting career was over, he used the funds he had to move into the criminal world, and eventually began dealing in extremely dangerous electroplasmic weapons. He’s also dabbling in communing with ghosts, as every member of his family mysteriously dies around age 28, which he is rapidly approaching.

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How are you folks using these maps at your physical table? I’ve been wondering how to do something along the lines of the colored-in streets for gang claims that we saw a bit of in the latter sessions of Bloodletters, which got the players really excited and brought home how dense the criminal landscape of Duskvol is, but that’s easier to do in Roll20. For a physical map, would you want lamination and dry (wet?) erase markers, something else?

And @John_Harper, I’d love to hear your thoughts on map usage in Blades, since it seemed to be an important tool for you in your Roll20 games.

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I always use maps in my gaming, both designed ones and quickly-sketched ones. Mostly they’re to orient everyone’s imagination. “The boat is tied up down here, and there’s a little half-wall with boat stuff piled up on it here, next to this half-wall.” “Oh, so if I sneak up on that side there’s some cover.”

Vague, blocky maps can be good because they leave us room to improvise. “There’s probably big coils of rope over here, right?” “Yeah, that makes sense.”

Super detailed maps can be good because they give us stuff to work with. “There’s a skylight on this building! Let’s go through there.”

Also, maps can help drive play. They give players things to wonder about and make plans for. “Who controls this strip of turf by the canal? Having a boat dock would be nice…”


I’m divided on maps. I really like to have graphical stuff to show players on Roll20, and I put in a lot of work myself to have a cool (and functional) gameboard, but I tend to not use maps during the actual scores.
The last crew we ran in Blades (we’re doing Glow in the Dark now) were smugglers, so city maps were much more relevant than earlier, but we were still mostly using the blocky rulebook one. We also based the crew out of Nightmarket, which you (at least at the time) hadn’t developed much.

I did support the patreon for a few months though, and someone on G+ had made an overlay for your map covering some of the districts you hadn’t gotten to, so yeah. Like I said, I’m divided :smile:

Here’s what the board looked like later in that game: