From Pamplona to Skydagger Keep

Ok, we made it…

It’s been long, a long walk that started with in March 2020 and ended tonight, but we finally made it to Skydagger Keep. There are many feeling I could share at this point, but probably the strongest one is the satisfaction. I’ve been playing RPGs for about 30 years and it’s been like… 20 that I don’t finish properly a campaign.
That is probably the biggest merit of this grame created by Stras. You gave us back the campaigns, and I thank you for it.
In honour of the fallen legionnaires, I prepared the following video:
It was a trully emotional moment at the end of the campaign.

In case any of your readers of this forum is interested in showing a similar video to your own group upon reaching Skydagger Keep, pass me your list of fallen and I will create it for you (I will only modify the list of people, no edits on imagery or music).

Well, I could say many thing still about this game, but a more thoughtfoul feedback thread shall wait. At this moment I can only say THANK YOU!!

Cheers to you all, legionnaires!


Awesome video, I might just take you up on that! We are currently at Gallows pass.

Haha, awesome! I actually prepared a web site so I could sneak in the dead from Skydagger keep in the credits.