Google Sheet Character Keeper on Steroids :)

Happy day folks! I’m happy to report that based on player feedback v12 of the Virtual Play Toolbox is out your input is greatly welcomed! What’s new:

● Added Unquiet Dead playbooks (Ghost, Hull, & Vampire) and added functionality to handle their special characteristics: Vampire Strictures, additional stress/xp boxes, special trauma conditions, Hull features, different labels for Stress, Trauma, Vice, etc.

● Added the Advanced Abilities & Permissions (rulebook p. 234) as veteran abilities.

And about a half dozen other smaller improvements to help players and GMs.

If you are new to this tool…

Why make this: Roll20 (and the like) is cool, but for me it is clunky and requires clicking in too many places. As my group tends to play theater-of-the-mind, I just needed Zoom and some really good tools to track info on PCs, crew, faction, etc. AND I needed a way to see lots of characters side-by-side without needing to click through a bunch of windows. That is what inspired this toolbox. Key features:

● Safety: An easy-to-use set of safety tools.

● PCs: Displays up to 8 PC character sheets at a time. Pick a sheet, name your character and select your playbook. The appropriate starting dots, special abilities, contacts, items, etc all fill in automatically. The Alias cell changes color based on the amount of harm a PC has taken, making it easy to be reminded of penalties. A dice roller appears in the left panel.

● Clocks: There are template progress clocks on the PCs tab for use. Each PC also has 3 Long Term Project progress clocks in their respective section. The first small box is the number of ticks. The second, slightly larger box is the size of the clock (4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 Ticks). You can easily copy and paste the blocks to add more clocks should you need them.

● Crew: A digital Crew character sheet.

● Factions: Tracks the faction status and progress clocks for any factions the crew interacts with.

● Zones: If you want more than Theater of the Mind, the Zones tabe allows Fate-style Zone “maps”.

● Cheatsheet: The key rules you may need to look up during a game, organized into expandable sections and subsections. Scroll to find the section you need, hit the “+” icon to the left, and the section expands. Hit the “-” icon to re-collapse the section.

● Names: List of names for NPCs.

As always, feedback is greatly welcomed!

Link to toolbox:

Here is a short video walking you through it:

A huge thank you to u/bigfootsanta, who’s input was invaluable in making this latest version!


The great folks at Evil Hat gave me permission to include the factions from the book into the sheet. So the latest version, 12.1, now has dropdowns to select any faction form the book, including their default clocks and Tier.