Scum and Villainy - Trying to understand xp

I read the character advancement rules last night and left the book feeling confused about how xp is tracked on the character sheet. Is anyone able to explain to me how to track xp on the character sheet, please?

On the Character Sheet, you have 4 XP Tracks.

  • You have an XP Track for your Insight Attribute, which covers the Doctor, Hack, Rig, and Study Actions. This track requires 6 XP to advance.
  • You have an XP Track for your Prowess Attribute, which covers the Helm, Scrap, Scramble, and Skulk Actions. This track requires 6 XP to advance.
  • You have an XP Track for your Resolve Attribute, which covers the Attune, Command, Consort, and Sway Actions. This track requires 6 XP to advance.
  • You have an XP track for your playbook (the track that says “Playbook advancement”). This requires 8 XP to advance.
  • The Crew Playbook has an XP track (the one labeled Crew XP). This requires 10 XP to advance.

Whenever you make a Desperate Action- no matter what the result of the Action is- you mark XP in that Action’s Attribute Track.

  • If you make a Desperate Doctor, Hack, Rig, or Study; mark XP in the Insight Track
  • If you make a Desperate Helm, Scrap, Scramble, or Skulk; mark XP in the Prowess Track
  • If you make a Desperate Attune, Command, Consort, or Sway; mark XP in the Resolve Track

After a Job, you have Downtime Actions you can take. If you take the Training Downtime Action, you mark 1 XP in the requisite track. You mark 2 XP if you have the Crew Upgrade for that given Training.

At the end of the session, you will answer the questions for your Playbook and for the Crew Playbook

  • If you addressed a challenge appropriate to your playbook, you mark XP. You do not need to be successful in addressing the challenge- as long as you addressed a challenge in that way- you get the XP. If you did it a lot or in a particularly phenomenal way, mark 2 XP. This XP can go in any of the 4 Tracks (Insight, Prowess, Resolve, or Playbook).
  • If you expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background; mark XP. You needn’t preplan out what beliefs and drives you have- but it can help. If any of those were expressed- you mark 1 XP. If it happened a lot or in a significant way, mark 2 XP. This XP can go in any of the 4 Tracks (Insight, Prowess, Resolve, or Playbook).
  • If you struggled with issues from your Vice or Trauma, mark XP. This can be mechanical- such as overindulging or even just marking a Trauma. It can also be acting poorly on your Vices or Traumas. Gambling when you needn’t do so. Being Soft when it is disadvantageous. If it happened at least once, mark XP. If it happened more than once or in a big way, mark 2 XP. This XP can go in any of the 4 Tracks (Insight, Prowess, Resolve, or Playbook).

For the Crew Playbook, this works the exact same way, however the XP goes right into the Crew Playbook XP.

When the character playbook XP track fills, clear it and gain a new special ability.

When an attribute XP track fills, clear it and add a new action dot for one of the Actions in that attribute.

When the Crew XP track fills, there’s a handful of things you can do. Pick one of the following:

  • Earn a new Special Ability for the Crew
  • Increase the Quality of one of the 4 Ship Systems (Comms, Engines, Hull, and/ or Weapons) by 1 Quality
  • Increase the Quality of the Crew itself by 1, but this also requires a Cred cost of 4 times the next Crew Quality Level (to get to Crew Quality 2 requires 8 Cred= 4*2)
  • Earn 2 Ship Upgrades. This can be among anything that has “boxes.” So these can be Ship Modules like Afterburners, Smuggling Compartments, etc. or anything in the Auxiliary, Ship Head, Training, Crew Gear Upgrades

In addition to clearing the Crew XP Track, the Crew all earns additional Stash equal to Tier+2. So at Tier 0 you get 2 Stash. Tier 1 is 3 Stash, etc.

Ultimately, the person who gets the final say in how much XP is earned is the person playing the character/ the Crew. Of course, you want to follow player’s best practices and not be weasel about it, though!

Hopefully that all makes sense

Thank you so much!