Western Front Secondary Mission Write-ups

Based on an example I read (possibly on these forums) about writing up the results of both secondary mission rolls and rejected missions before the game, I wrote up these three mission outcomes for our first session. I rolled three assault missions for the Western Front. This meant there was not much variety to pick from…which was fine, since the Commander’s declared preference was Assault missions.

I added something to the rules for Secondary missions: a Crit, 6, or 4/5 non-retreat roll on the Secondary mission (may) provides a small additional benefit to the Legion, and 1-3 or 4/5 retreat can have an additional, small penalty based on the fiction. This can make choosing a technically “useless” mission more rewarding (the Legion had full morale, so Operation Diamond Hawk in particular didn’t provide a whole lot of benefit for taking on – people singing the Legion’s praises and getting a little help from them on projects seemed appropriate, given the fiction).

Operation Diamond Hawk

Success: +4 Morale
Failure: +1 Pressure

Set-up: Squads of Zemyati soldiers retreating to the Western Front after the defeat at the Battle of Ettenmark Fields have taken to “conscripting” food and goods from Aldemari refugees fleeing ahead of the undead advance. Representatives of a group of refugees have approached the Legion encampment, begging them for protection from these rogue soldiers and providing an escort north to Plainsworth. It would be good for the troops to feel like they’re doing something decent for their fellow man; it is also likely these bandits will harass the Legion and attempt to steal our supplies unless they are defeated or driven away.

As Primary: Avoid or Engage the Rotter Patrols, Locate and deal with the Zemyati Raiders.
Obstacles: Rotter Patrols, No Man’s Land, Zemyati Raiders.
3 T1 Rotter patrols of 6 each. Controlled by 1 T2 Horror.
2 T1 Zemyati squads of 5 each. Control a semi-fortified camp in the ruined foundation walls of an Old Empire tower.

Outcomes as Secondary:

Crit: The squad set a trap for the Zemyati soldiers, killing a number of them in the attempt and forcing the surrender of the rest, whom they drag back to camp in chains for the Commander to deal with (start an empty 4-clock to rehabilitate them and gain two Rookies when it finishes, or just execute the lot – Commander’s choice). The thankful refugees travel with the Legion to Plainsworth and will provide one tick for any Long-term projects the Quartermaster starts before the Legion reaches the city (similar to a Labor resource). The refugees leave the Legion in Plainsworth.

6: The squad engaged the Zemyati soldiers directly, driving them into a couple squads of Rotters led by a Horror. From what the legionnaires saw before retreating, it is unlikely any of the Zemyati survived the encounter. At any rate, there won’t be enough of them to trouble either the Legion or the refugees. The thankful refugees travel with the Legion to Plainsworth and will provide one tick for any Long-term projects the Quartermaster starts before the Legion reaches the city (similar to a Labor resource). The refugees leave the Legion in Plainsworth.

4/5: Retreat: The squad briefly skirmished with the Zemyati soldiers on the outskirts of their camp among the ruined foundation walls of an Old Empire tower, but it was quicky apparent the raiders were better-prepared and equipped than one squad could deal with, so they broke off the engagement and retreated. One of the Rookies wasn’t watching where he was going and sprained an ankle on the way back, but the Mercy says he’ll be fine. The refugees are disappointed at the failure and scared.

4/5: Fight: The squad engaged the Zemyati soldiers, but attracted by the noise of their combat, a couple squads of Rotters led by a Horror rushed both groups. The combat became a chaotic melee and the squad was scattered. It is unlikely the Zemyati are in any shape to further trouble the refugees or the Legion, but the squad took some injuries, and while one of the missing Rookies eventually stumbled into camp later, not everyone made it back… Still, the refugees are grateful and ask to travel with the Legion to Plainsworth. They can provide one tick for a single Long-term project the Quartermaster starts before the Legion reaches the city (similar to a Labor resource). The refugees leave the Legion in Plainsworth.

1-3: There were more of the Zemyati soldiers than intel suggested, who turned the tables on the Legion’s attempted ambush outside their camp. After a brief, bloody skirmish resulting in serious injuries to the Specialists, and the loss of most of the Rookies, the survivors dragged one another back to camp. The Zemyati soldiers are going to be a problem for the refugees and the Legion. The refugees push on, leaving the Legion behind, spreading tales of their failure.

Ignore: The Legion just can’t spare the resources to protect the refugees and go after these rogue Zemyati. Zora is also concerned any of the refugees could be one of Breaker’s hexed spies…the increasing number of red-eyed crows around the camp suggests the Broken or her Shadow Witches are nearby. No matter how many of the feathered creatures you shoot down, there always seem more to replace them. The refugees will just have to look out for themselves. Everyone gets put on double guard duty (if there were any disciplinary issues before this, start or tick a 6-clock “Unhappy Rookies” resulting in -1d to Engagement rolls if it fills).

Operation Western Tiger

Success: +2 Morale, +1 Intel
Failure: +1 Pressure

Setup: A scout has returned with a report that a few squads of Rotters and their handlers will be crossing the bridge from Karlsburg, transporting a wagon-load of the foul alchemicals Blighter uses to transform fallen bodies into the undead. Destroying this batch of ichor would strike a small blow against the Cinder King’s ability to reinforce his armies. More importantly, tracking it might lead you to where Blighter has dug her corruption pits on this side of the Tigeria river…

As Primary: Locate the Wagon, Track it to Blighter’s Corruption Pits, Blow the Wagon.
Obstacles: Rotter Patrols, Blighter’s Mists, Wagon Escorts.
2 T1 Rotter escorts, 6 each. Controlled by 1 T2 Horror.
The pit is a open-air mass grave into which Blighter’s troops throw both bodies and alchemical concoctions. New Rotters are constantly crawling out of it. There are cages nearby with about a dozen living prisoners, and large tents into which these prisoners are sometimes dragged, screaming, by the Crows. (If the squad goes into the pits, they might encounter 3 packs of T1 Rotters, 2 squads of Crows, and the Wailer.)

Outcomes as Secondary:

Crit: Not only did the squad manage to distract the escorts long enough to sneak charges onto the wagon and blow the alchemics, and their escorts, into smoke and charred bits, but thanks to clever rigging of timers on the charges, it went off in the middle of Blighter’s new corruption pits, turning them into a conflagration. That’s going to put a serious dent in her ability to raise new Rotters. (The next few missions will have 1 less Threat.) While the squad didn’t see Blighter at the pits, there was a huge Horror with nine wailing heads sewn to its body directing the other creatures in the pits…unfortunately, the blast didn’t seem to faze it. The squad is calling it “the Wailer.”

6: Once they trailed the wagon close to the corruption pits, the squad engaged its escorts long enough for one of them to sneak charges onto the wagon and blow the alchemics, and their escorts, into smoke and charred bits, putting a dent in Blighter’s ability to raise new Rotters for her armies (the Legion gets +1d to their engagement rolls for the next few missions). The pits looked to be fairly new, and were crawling with black-cloaked creatures wearing white plague masks doing…something to living prisoners. They didn’t see Blighter there, but they did see a huge Horror with nine wailing heads sewn to its body directing the other creatures in the pits. The squad is calling it “the Wailer.”

4/5: Retreat: When the squad reached the wagon, its escorts were more numerous than the scouts had reported, and Breaker’s damnable red-eyed crows were circling, ready to give away their position to Blighter’s troops. The squad chose to withdraw rather than risk it.

4/5: Fight: Trailing the wagon, the squad jumped the escorts just outside the pits and drew them off long enough for one of the Rookies to sneak charges onto the wagon and blow the alchemics into smoke. Unfortunately, the Rookie was killed in the explosion, but valiantly took the Horror with him. Another Rookie fell in the brief melee when the Rotters turned feral. At least they’ve put a dent in Blighter’s ability to raise new Rotters for her armies (the Legion gets +1d to their engagement rolls for the next couple missions). The squad had to retreat before reinforcements were drawn by the noise, but not before sighting Blighter’s pits, crawling with black-cloaked creatures wearing white plague masks, being directed by a huge Horror with nine wailing heads sewn to its body. The squad is calling it “the Wailer.”

1-3: Things went seriously pear-shaped. There were two Horrors and multiple squads of Rotters guarding the carts. Worse, some of Breaker’s red-eyed crows were flying around and alerted Blighter’s troops to the squad’s presence before they could decide to retreat. A few of the Rookies died in a heroic, but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to blow the alchemics on the carts…their mangled bodies will probably be in the next batch of Rotters or Horrors Blighter stitches together. No one is thrilled at the prospect they might have to fight their former comrades…or pieces of them. The Specialists were severely wounded while leading the retreat, and are being treated by the Medics and the Mercy. The squad never had a chance to locate the corruption pits.

Ignore: Based on the Legion’s needs and resources, and the dangers involved in heading back into enemy territory, there are more pressing matters to attend than chasing down a single wagon of alchemics that might or might not lead to a benefit of dubious tactical value. Even if the Legion could destroy it, Blighter would just dig another pit, and has plenty more alchemics to fuel her armies…a few more Rotters testing the Legion’s defenses are the price of not losing good men and women on a fool’s errand.

Operation Crimson Fire

Success: +2 Morale, +1 Intel
Failure: +1 Pressure, +1 Time

Setup: A small village a day’s travel north from the Legion encampment is surrounded by a lightning-blasted woodland. Zora says this is a sign of Breaker, or of her Shadow Witches, and that it would not be safe for the Legion to travel through the area without first cleansing the area: destroying the trees, and then razing the village to the ground. Unfortunately, the old Imperial highway runs directly through the wood. While the Legion could detour west around the wood, the terrain is rough and already over-run by Blighter’s forces, which would make the going slow and dangerous.

As Primary: Scout the Burned Woods and the Village, Cleanse Them.
Obstacles: Breaker’s Animal Scouts, Violent Storms, Hex Magic.
2 squads of T1 Burned. 1 squad of T1 Hexed hidden among the villagers. Controlled by 1 T2 Shadow Witch. The Shadow Witch will attempt to hex one of the squad, forcing him to attack the others as a distraction, and ultimately wishes to sacrifice the legionnaires in a ritual to turn them into Burned.

Outcomes as Secondary:

Crit: Breaker’s own storms provided a perfect cover for the squad, and they were able to sneak into the village to watch the goings-on without being noticed. Many of the villagers were acting strangely, and gathered together at night to impale other struggling members of the village upon the trunks of trees, directed by a pale Aldemari woman who used her clawed fingers to carve hex-marks into their flesh. The squad quickly set fire to everything – the trees proved particularly dry, despite the constant storm. As the squad retreated from the burning wood, the pale woman stumbled out after them, begging for their help and mercy…even while viciously attacking the squad via dark magic. Zora’s blessed seals held, and they put the witch down. She died croaking out a curse from Breaker’s own lips, promising revenge. Zora insists the hex didn’t take, but it has left the squad spooked (unless it’s the Star Vipers: they’re living up to their history; the next time they are sent to face Breaker’s forces, they get +1d to the engagement roll). Breaker’s spying crows haven’t been sighted since (no Animal Spies will appear for the next few missions).

6: Breaker’s own storms provided a perfect cover for the squad, and they were able to sneak into the village to watch the goings-on without being noticed. A pale Aldemari girl was leading a group of glassy-eyed villagers in a dark ritual in the wood, impaling one of the other villagers upon a hex-carved tree while casting curses and enchantments over the body. The squad quickly set fire to the forest and the village, suffering a few minor burns, and have been plagued by nightmares of the dark rituals they witnessed. Breaker’s spying crows haven’t been sighted since (no Animal Spies will appear for the next couple missions).

4/5: Retreat: A powerful storm swept down on the squad as they moved through the woods and into the village. While they saw no sign of the Shadow Witch, many of the villagers seemed to be acting…strangely. Spooked, the squad quickly left without making contact. A couple of the squad have caught colds from the weather, but should be fine after a day of rest.

4/5: Fight: A powerful storm swept down as the squad moved north and into the village. They sought shelter in the village and were offered a place to sleep by a friendly Aldemari woman. While they saw no sign of an undead presence in the village, some of the people seemed to be acting…strangely. In the middle of the night, the woman enticed one of the Rookies with promises of ‘companionship’. When he returned, he attacked his bunkmate, strangling him in his sleep and waking the rest of the squad! Haunt-eyed villagers had gathered around the woman’s house, forcing the surviving squad members to fight their way free. They set the house on fire, then threw burning brands into every residence. The flames quickly spread to the trees, and the squad fled from the blazing woodland, suffering from burns and smoke inhalation. The good news is during their flight, they located an easy trail that can quickly take the Legion around the still smoking woodland and back onto the old Imperial highway. The villagers appear to have died in the conflagration, or fled.

1-3: In the midst of a terrible storm that arose when the squad entered the lighting-blasted wood, a dozen corpses whose open chests were burning beds of coal rushed screaming out of the trees and set upon them. Surprised and outnumbered, confused by the lashing rain and blinding lighting strikes, the squad was scattered. One-by-one the few survivors have limped or been dragged back to camp. There are dark stories about what probably happened to the others. The Legion will have to take another route around the haunted woodland and hope Breaker is too busy with whatever she’s doing in the village to care.

Ignore: The threat of a village of witches giving Breaker the Legion’s exact location so she can set-up an ambush is too dangerous a prospect. When the Legion heads north, you’ll simply have to abandon the easy travel provided by the old Imperial highway and make your way cross-country past the woodland. It will be slow and dangerous, but what about this war isn’t?

The group ignored Diamond Hawk, and chose Western Tiger as their Secondary (4/5, Fight) with Crimson Fire as their Primary (things went…okay-ish…they may have trouble with the villagers since the Legion killed the villagers’ families and friends and burned down half the village).

I’m probably going to start an “Aldemari Distrust” 8-clock since they not only turned away the refugees, but were pretty ruthless with the villagers (both Hexed and non-Hexed), and if that clock fills, interactions with the Aldemari will have -1d (whether it’s QM resource gathering roll, or attempts to Sway the locals, etc) – I really want them to see there are serious consequences to every choice of-and-in missions that aren’t just “Intel” or “Supply” and so forth, but particularly from their choices and actions in the Primary.


I was toying with the idea of creating a thread with fictional positioning of missions. I’ve seen there are at least two fan-made random mission generators, but I felt they were mission the fictional position and obstacles that make a mission feel real. Also, the idea to write conclusions for secondary missions is great. So I jump in, and if the thread grows maybe we can make it for all locations.

Operation Dark Caronte

Type: Assault.
Success: +4 Morale
Failure: +1 Pressure. +1 Time.

Set-up: A band of river pirates has operated for years in the Tigeria harrassing local population. They are sneaky, changing their base swiftly and, since their raids are always low scale and targeted to poorest, local authorities have not done much to end this nuisance. Unfortunately, things have changed. The Master of Spies reports that the band of pirates is willing to help Render cross the Tigeria. Before that happens, the Legion must find their base and burn or destroy their ships.

As Primary: Locate the pirate base and burn or destroy their ships (4 drakkar-style boats).
1 - Locate the Base, Local villages may know where they are staying right now, but not everybody is willing to cooperate. Scouting the terrain may make the squad bump into rotter patrols.
2 - Avoid detection by pirates, If pirates know that they have been located, they will change base.
3- burn the ships, they are about 20-30 pirates in total, holding 4 drakkar-style ships. They are currently based in a ruined lookout tower in the river.

Outcomes as Secondary:
Crit: The squad located the pirate base in a local brothel where they got the necessary intel. They hired a local ferryman to reach by river the base. Under the cover of the night, they reached the beach and burned the ships down. Pirates were warned too late and by the time they got out of their base the squad was floating down the river with the only remaining ship. The ferryman was so impressed that he decided to join the legion as a rookie.

6: The squad located the pirate base in a local brothel where they got the necessary intel. They marched towards the pirate base and managed to surprise the pirates. They killed the guards and burned the ships while fighting off pirates as they got up. They managed to retreat in time with only minor injuries.

4/5 Fail: The squad located the pirate base in a local brothel where they got the necessary intel. Unfortunately, somebody overheard them and warned the pirates. By the time the squad arrived, the base was deserted.

4/5: Success: The squad located the pirate base in a local brothel where they got the necessary intel. They marched towards the pirate base but failed at killing off the guards. Pirates were well aware of their presence. They fight was hard but the squad managed to hold them off while burning the ships. Specialists where harmed and, when fleeing, two rookies were isolated from the groups and killed.

1-3:The squad located the pirate base in a local brothel where they got the necessary intel. Unfortunately, somebody overheard them and warned the pirates. On the way to the pirate base they were ambushed in the river. One rookie drowned in the Tigeria and other two died fighting off the pirates. Specialists were seriously wounded and made it out barely alive.


Ok, here goes another one, but this one is meant for Plainsworth.

Operation Perfect Alchemy

Type: Supply.
Success: +Alchemist. +1 Supply.
Failure: -1 Morale.

Set up: Famous Alchemist Oran Laguter has been kidnapped. He is most renowned black shot crafter in Aldemark and if his knowledge fall into the hands of the Cinder King the war will be even harder. It needs to be found quickly, before it goes beyond the reach of the legion.

As Primary: Discover where and how Oran Laguter was kidnapped, follow the trail and rescue him.

1 - Find out the latest whereabouts of Oran Laguter. He accepted a dodgy deal which was a trap in the end. He agreed to service Blighter with samples of black shot in exchange of assurances for him and his family. When he delivered the sample, he was kidnapped. He should not have trusted Blighter.
2 - Follow the trail of the kidnapping squad as it goes back to the undead camp. Remain unnoticed.
3 - Infiltrate the camp and rescue Oran. The camp is not large, but it contains 3 squads of rotters and 1 horror chained to a big pole right by the tent where Oran is kept captive.

Outcomes as Secondary:
Crit: The squad locates the exact place of the rendezvous thanks to a good consort with the family of Oran. They also scout quickly and manage to catch the kidnapping squad before it arrives to the camp. In addition to Oran, they recover as well one sample of black shot (1 asset of 1 use for the quartermaster).

6: The squad locates the exact place of the rendezvous thanks to a good consort with the family of Oran. They locate the camp unnoticed. Under the cover of the night, they sneak in the camp and manage to extract Oran before the guards notice. They escape with minor injuries.

4-5: Fail: The squad manage to follow the trail of Oran but the reach the camp too late. When attempting to infiltrate, the guards rise the alarm and they need to flee to avoid further consequence.

4-5: Success: The squads locates the place of the rendezvous and manages to reach the camp unnoticed. However, the Horror awakes and strikes hard on them before the manage to lave. Specialists are harm and two rookies are dismembered to pieces by the horror.

1-3: The squad follows the trail and manages to reach the camp unnoticed. When infiltrating at night guards notice them. They fight their way out of the camp before reaching the tent where Oran is captive. Specialist are seriously harmed and three rookies die in the struggle.


This is great! I really like it.

And here goes another Plainsworth one. Actually, my players were lucky and did Boris Kariveyich, one of the special ones. This is my take on it:

Type: Special
Success: (See BoB book pg. 381)
Failure: (See BoB book pg. 381)

Set up: (See BoB book pg. 381). But in my particular version, I played it this way. Boris is actually following the squad (see later) and observes how the legionnaires deal with them. To begin with, I played a dirty trick to my players. In order to reach Boris they needed a guide. I offered several PNJs but, whoever they chose, it was either Boris or working for Boris. The obstacles are:

1 - The lab. An advanced laboratory from Blighter is hidden in the mountains, creating rotters to work as partisans. Some villagers are held captive and half-rotted. If they demonstrate Boris that there is hope to revert corruption and curse, +1d to the final roll (see later). My players gave the poor souls food and their reliquaries. If they mercy-kill them -1d.

2 - The cursed chapel. A chapel where rogue legionnaires of the past tried to use the powers of evil to fight evil. In the process they created the cursed silver key (extracted from a tale the Lorekeeper told in the last session). This key is highly corrupted, but allows the carrier heal unnaturally fast. The chapel has never been open and Boris guards it. If they enter and take the key, -1d. If they enter and cleanse and destroy the key, +1d.

3 - Boris hideout. It is empty (well, you know…). If they figure out that their guide is Boris, +1d. Otherwise, if they just sit and wait, -1d.

After all this, when they try to sway Boris to join the legion, just roll, with the modifications as above.

Outcomes as Secondary:
A special mission as secondary??? Not in my table.


This is the mission we ran for the Long Road:

Operation Golden Falcon.
Type: Recon. (Infamous Present)
Success: -1 Time. +1 Intel
Failure: +1 Pressure.

Set up: The forces of Render are advancing fast and have arrived recently to Plainsworth. A squad needs to go back an recon the area, counting the troops and, if possible, practice guerrilla warfare against advanced troops.

As Primary: Select three hexagons in the map (see attachment) and scout them. Create the following clocks:

  • 1 4-clock per area.

  • 1 4-clock called “Hideout”, which is how good the hideout of the squad is.

  • 1 6-clock called “Alert” which is the awareness of the undead forces about the activities of the squad.
    Every time the squad changes hideout, roll “Scout” and reset the “Hideout” clock. Every time they “Scout”, advance all clock depending on the result (they scout the area, but the alert and their hideout also advance).
    As they scout the region, they may encounter the following obstacles/events.

  • An ancient watchtower, partially ruined, was kept by a family living nearby. The farm is burnt and so are the bodies of the people who inhabited it. Two squads of hounds lead by a heartless wander nearby.

  • A column of several squads of the gaunt with heartless and hounds march through the forest. They are followed by Eater, the infamous Hound.

  • A windmill inhabited by two families is under attack. A squad of gaunt, with two hounds and a heartless are currently taking prisoners. Substantial reinforcements are on the way.

  • Eater is following their trail at all times. As soon as the location of the squad is known, he will attack.

Outcomes as Secondary:
Crit: The squad roams through the territory like a ghost. They manage to warn the local people and save some lives. In addition, they manage to ambush Eater and finish him.

6: The squad roams through the territory like a ghost. They manage to warn the local people and save some lives.

4-5 Fail: Upon the first location scouted, they are surrounded by hounds and gaunt. The squad locks itself inside the ruined watchtower and defend against the attackers. Under the darkness of the night, the flee back to camp.

4-5 Success: The squad manages to scout all locations but raise local mistrust. Their hideout is disclosed by a local farmer and are ambushed by Eater and his hounds. They manage to fight them off, but two rookies receive mortal wounds and the specialists are harmed.

1-3: The squad reaches the windmill and attacks right away. At the beginning, they manage to scare the gaunt away, but soon they are surrounded by reinforcements. They fight them off for days before they attempt a desperate escape. Specialists are seriously harmed and three rookies die in the fight.