What is a sentinel?

My Hound PC picked “Celene, a sentinel” as her rival. I can’t seem to find sentinels in the book. What am I missing?



I don’t think sentinels are a defined group in the book. On page 65, in the extended Hound playbook description, the leading question next to Celene reads, “Celene is a guardian; a protector. Who does she watch over?” so I think it’s meant to be left up to the group.

In my group, we decided that the sentinels are an elite squad of Bluecoats tasked with watching over the borders of the city and working alongside the Sparkwrights to eliminate threats to the lightning barrier.


There are some classic questions regarding Blades in the Dark. This is one of them :wink:
Maybe this is helpful: https://bitd.gplusarchive.online/2016/03/19/what-is-a-sentinel/


A sentinel is just someone who is vigilant and keeping watch. The small “s” suggests to me that Celene isn’t necessarily part of any special organization or anything (but I probably would say she was if I was playing a Hound :slight_smile: ). Usually I think of these tasks as being part of military or law enforcement work, but a corrupt politician’s bodyguard or the guardian of some religious facility could also be a sentinel.


Thanks for the great answers!

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Our Hound is the offspring of a noble house but has been dishonored and disowned. The family is trying get rid of the ‘black sheep’. Celene used to be the personal bodyguard of the Hound and still is the bodyguard of her two sisters.

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Our Hound decided that she was a bodyguard who took various jobs. At one put she ended up working for slavers that “owned” the remnants of the Lampblacks a few months after the war in Crow’s Foot.

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Cool idea! I’m going to see what my players come up,with.