Wicker Man: Bottlepunk Hack

So, I’ve been working on a Blades hack called Wicker Man, which focuses on a fictional genre called bottlepunk. It’s in a beta state – three playbooks, three crew types, and three conveyances – and I’m really interested in feedback.

You can get the PDF on itch.io:

Or the most recent draft can be commented on as a Google Doc:

CW: Body horror, implied violence to children

Please let me know what y’all think.

Below are a couple of salient FAQs.

What the Fuck is Bottlepunk?
There really are too many “punk” genres aren’t there?

Bottlepunk covers things like the Scarfolk novels, Riverdale Hellmouth, the Agent Patriot TV series New Amsterdam Uprising, and to a lesser extent works like Welcome to Night Vale, Dark City, the YouTube series “The Never,” and the webcomic “Sleepless Domain.” And, of course, the 2018 remake of The Wicker Man.

Most bottlepunk works involve a place that is cycling through about a decade of time, which warps the timeline of the place, making it more occult and horrific. It’s the 70s in the Scarfolk novels, the 50s and 60s in Riverdale Hellmouth, and the 1980s in New Amsterdam Uprising. Most bottlepunk works throw in a bit of black humor with their horror.

Wait, Some of That Shit Ain’t Real, Is It?
This game was written for a game jam that involves imagining some things you wish were real and acting as if they were. So yes. But at least some of the inspirations are real, or as real as fiction gets, mmm?

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