Threat/Position/Effect Tracking Sheet

I had a hard time wrapping my head around how threat, position, and effect all played into each other, so I made this visual reference to help keep track of it. We just used coins or other tokens to track each one as we played. It was helpful for myself as the GM, and as a tool for the players to visualize it.

I hope it can be just as much of a help to you and your table, as well.

If there’s any inaccurate information on there, let me know and I can adjust it. My understanding of the rules is certainly not perfect.


Nice ! Thx for sharing !!

That’s great! Do you also have a color version of this?

I wasn’t going to share this because it’s very much an ugly hack job for my own use, not nicely done like the original - but maybe someone will find it useful.

I took @Scribbles beautiful sheet above and chopped it up and added the “missing” factors for position and effect. (Resolution is also reduced, which is why I had to redo the text)

And in use on a mission screen:


A condensed version of the above: